If you have a portable device which does not support eBook or text applications but that can display images, Merlin Software’s eBook to Images can now convert your text files into images that will fit your handheld device’s specifications. It opens most well-known text documents (like DOC and PDF) and transforms them into small image files that you can read in your iPhone, Zen or PSP.
eBook to text supports all the most widely used document file formats – TXT, DOC, PDF, HTM, HTML and LIT (Microsoft Reader files) and generates images in BMP, JPEG or PNG format. The whole text of the document is split into as many images as needed and organized in a single folder or in a number of folders, according to your preferences.
The program allows you to customize the layout of your images in a number of ways. Though eBook to text will load a by-default image width and height values every time you select any of the players supported, you can always decide on the final size of the images to fit your reading preferences. Text and background colours can also be changed, and you can even load an image as a background for your text if you wish.
Finally, you can load your images directly into your portable device without exiting this small and efficient application. eBook to images have built-in support for iPhone, Nano 3G, Zen, Zune, Sansa and PSP.